April 2023
Mars 2023
3 April 2023 - 17:12
Dota Warkey 1.6
He still attacks at the same rate, but is affected less by negative attack speed.
Roshan's Base Attack Time increased from 1 to 2.
Dark Troll Summoner's attack damage increased by 6.
Dark Troll Summoner's and Hill Troll's attack range reduced from 500 to 400.
Satyr Tormenter's Shockwave damage increased 125 to 160.
Satyr Tormenter's Shockwave speed reduced from 1050 to 900.
Satyr Tormenter's Shockwave distance increased from 800 to 1200.
Satyr Tormenter's Unholy Aura HP regen increased from 4 to 6.
Satyr Banisher's Purge cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 seconds.
Hill Troll Priest's Mana Aura increased from 2 to 3.
Ancient Thunderhide's Frenzy is now unit targetable.
Fireball: Targets an area and hurls a fire blast towards it, igniting the 300 AoE area for 10 seconds.
Added a new ability to Ancient Black Dragon, Fireball:.
Ancient neutrals now behave like normal neutrals and split experience with all heroes in the AoE.
Dragonhide Aura's stackable armor increased from 2 to 3.
This is the small neutral from the Hellbear Camp.
Hellbear now has a stacking magic resistance aura (20% for units, 5% for heroes).
This is the small neutral from the Centaur Camp.
Centaur Courser now has a stacking magic resistance aura, Cloak Aura.
Random Draft now uses the same picking mechanics as Ranked All Pick.
Added Random Draft to Ranked Matchmaking.
Random Draft hero pool increased from 24 to 50.
Creeps now arrive slightly closer to the top dire tower and bottom Radiant tower.
Level 1 towers' damage against heroes effectively increased from 82.5 to 93.5
Siege damage against heroes increased from 75% to 85%.
Creep bounty increases by 1 gold per normal upgrade cycle.
Causes all spell cooldowns to be reduced by 30% and mana costs to be reduced by 50%.
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